About Us

The Design & Research Learning Environments Group (DRLE Group) is composed by PhD and Masters students in Education, specialty in ICT and Education, who have already finished their research and defended their work successfully and by students who are in different phases of the PhD research.

What this group has in common is the interest and motivation to develop research in the field of the Design, Development and Evaluation of Learning Environments, with a strong technological component, especially the use of digital technologies.

  • There are two main areas of interest:
  • 1 - Conception and development of digital learning environments, following principles of instructional design and some of its theories and models, where we highlight: the cognitive theory of multimedia learning, the cognitive load theory and the 4C-ID model. These environments can be targeted at diverse audiences ranging from pre-school children to adults in vocational training, including initial and in-service teacher training. The environments are validated by specialists of the content that one wishes to teach and by multimedia and instructional design specialists, and tested empirically with the target audience.

    We are preferably following the experimental methodology and also the design-based research (DBR) and in some cases the action research method.

    The content of these environments is diverse, ranging from teaching physics or geography to computer programming, where we highlight the studies on media and informational literacy and specific educational needs of individuals and groups.
  • 2 - Studies on the acceptance of technologies, using the most well-known models and theories in this field, such as the UTAUT model. We develop studies with teachers in initial and in-service training.

    The methodology followed is the one recommended by this field of study, namely the use of questionnaires and the validation of the models through the analysis of structural equations.

Projects & Training Programs


How to do analysis of variance: parametric and non-parametric tests and how to ensure the main assumptions to apply these tests [Como fazer análise de variância: testes paramétricos e não-paramétricos e como garantir os seus pressupostos]

by Mário Melo;

14th February 2019 on Thursday, 17:00 to 19:00 in To establish at IE-ULisboa


How to do Factorial Confirmatory Analysis / Structural Equations
[Como fazer Análise Fatorial Confirmatória / Equações Estruturais]

by Pedro Brás;

14th March 2019 on Thursday, 16:00 to 19:00 in undefined class at IE-ULisboa


How to do a sistematic lietrature review and metanalysis or methasynthesis

by Guilhermina Miranda; Joana Costa; Mário Melo; Thiago Pontes;

17th January 2019 on Thursday, 17:00 to 19:00 in To be announced at IE-ULisboa


How to determine the psychometric characteristics of a Scale / Questionnaire to measure a psychological construct
[Como determinar as características psicométricas de uma Escala / Questionário para medir um construto psicológico]

by Guilhermina Miranda;

10th May 2018 on Thursday, 17:00 to 19:00 in class TE II at Institute of Education


(i) Como validar escalas e questionários que medem um constructo psicológico;
(ii) Como validar o conteúdo de uma prova para avaliar conhecimentos

by Guilhermina Miranda; Joana Costa;

7th February 2019 on Thursday, 16:00 to 19:00 in Em agendamento at IE-ULisboa


How to develop and apply Kahoot Quizzes in the classroom.
[Como desenvolver e aplicar Quizzes / Kahoot na sala de aula]

by Guilhermina Miranda; Maria Monteiro;

30th November 2018 on Friday, 00:00 to 00:00 in undefined class at undefined place

Some Milestone






Cup Of Coffee




Our scientific production can be accompanied in the following section. our goal is to publish the results of our research as best we can to share our conclusions.

Assessment & Measurement

Here we will publish measurement instruments of: (i) psychological constructs or latent variables, such as motivation, emotions, attitudes; and (ii) knowledge and skills, such as initial programming knowledge. We will make available the original instruments and their validation for samples of the Portuguese population, made by members of DRLEGroup.

Most of the instruments are Questionnaires and Scales.

Name Researche(s) Download
Article: Validation of the Evaluation Test of the Initial Skills in Computer Programming [Artigo de Validação da Prova de Competências Iniciais de Programação], 2017 Guilhermina Lobato Miranda; Joana Martinho Costa; original | drle scale
Article: Validation of the Computer and Internet Attitudes Questionnaire [Artigo de Validação do Questionário de Atitudes face aos Computadores e Internet], 2013 Guilhermina Lobato Miranda; Pedro Brás; original | drle scale
Article: Validation of the Welfare and Malaise Emotional Scale [Artigo de Validação da Escala de Bem-estar e Mal-estar Emocinal], 2016 Ana Isabel Runa; Guilhermina Lobato Miranda; original | drle scale
Evaluation Test of the Initial Skills in Computer Programming [Prova de Avaliação das Competências Iniciais de Programação Informática], 2017 Joana Martinho Costa; original | drle scale
Welfare and Malaise Emotional Scale [Escalas de Bem-estar e Mal-estar emocional], 2016 Ana Isabel Runa; original | drle scale


photo Guilhermina Lobato Miranda
Guilhermina Lobato Miranda, PhD

is a psychologist and professor at the Institute of Education, Lisbon University. She teaches and researches in the domains of educational technology and instructional psychology. She was the main editor (and chapter author) of three books: Educational psychology (2005), Online teaching and multimedia learning (2009), and Psychology of online behavior (2015). She has published several articles mainly in Portuguese journals and some in international journals.

photo Amilton Rodrigo de Quadros Martins
Amilton Rodrigo de Quadros Martins, PhD

Post-Doctoral Student in Education at University of Lisbon (2020-Computational Thinking Assessment System). Doctor in Education (UPF / 2017-Creativity and Flow Theory in Educational Robotics). CAPES PDSE scholarship at the University of Rome Tre. Master in Education (UPF / 2012-Computer Creativity and Programming for Children). Computer Scientist (UPF / 2004). Leader of InovaEdu / IMED - Science and Innovation for Education Laboratory, creator of the #TeuFuturo program and articulator of Programming Literacy at Instituto Ayrton Senna. Member of the Brazilian Network for Creative Learning (RBAC) and Arrangement for the Development of Education in Northern Gaúcho. Researcher and Lecturer on Active Learning, Maker Education and Computational Thinking. Senator at JCI - Junior Chamber International. Professor of Undergraduate, Graduate and Stricto Sensu at IMED and Collaborating Professor of the Graduate Program in Technologies, Communication and Education at UFU-MG.

photo Ana Isabel Runa
Ana Isabel Runa, PhD

has a degree in philosophy and is a professor at the Higher Institute of Education and Sciences (Instituto Superior de Educação e Ciências) in Lisbon. She teaches and researches in the domains of ICT in education and teacher training, eLearning and bLearning pedagogy, Online emotions and relationships, ethics and professional ethics, standing there much of their publications.

photo Ana Pires
Ana Pires, PhD

is an ICT teacher in a secondary school in the city of Évora, Portugal. She is the coordinator of a Digital Television Studio and director of the technician professional course of audiovisuals. She researches and publishes in the field of production of digital educational resources. She defended her PhD in 2016 with a work on "The role of a digital television studio in the conception, organization and diffusion of RED in a secondary school".

photo Clarisse Nunes
Clarisse Nunes, PhD

is a Professor at the Escola Superior de Educação (Lisbon School of Education), IPL (Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa). She teaches and researches in the domains of special education and assistive technology. She was the author and co-author of some books, like: Aprendizagem ativa em crianças com multideficiência – guia para educadores (2001/2009) (Active learning in children with multiple disabilities), and Avaliação e Intervenção em multideficiência (2004) (Assessment and Intervention in multiple disabilities). She has published several articles mainly in Portuguese journals and some in international journals.

photo Giedrė Valūnaitė Oleškevičienė
Giedrė Valūnaitė Oleškevičienė, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Giedrė Valūnaitė Oleškevičienė affiliated to Mykolas Romeris University, Institute of Humanities, defended her doctoral dissertation "Making Sense of Social Media Use in University Studies" in 2016.  Her scientific interests include areas such as methodology of social research, problems of contemporary education philosophy, development of creativity in modern education system, etc. The researcher is also actively involved in research on teaching foreign languages, as well as pursuing scientific interests in linguistics and translation.

photo Joana Martinho Costa
Joana Martinho Costa, PhD Student

Is invited assistant professor in ISCTE-IUL. Her academic background includes a Bachelors degree in Computer Engineering from New University of Lisbon, a Masters in Computer Education from the University of Lisbon and a PhD in Education in the specialty of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Education from the University of Lisbon. Joana has published their works in several journals in the domains of educational technology and computer science, such as the British Journal of Educational Technology, Informatics in Education and Computers in the Schools.
Currently she is also an invited assistant professor at Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa where she teaches some courses related to technology and multimedia.
Her research interests are related to computer science education, technology enhanced learning and statistical analysis.

photo Maria Elvira Monteiro
Maria Elvira Monteiro, PhD

is a Science Natural, Biology and Geology teacher at Agrupamento de Escolas de São João da Talha. My PhD is in ICT and Master of Science Didactics. My areas of interest is: Methodologies for integrating technologies into the curriculum, Strategic Vision of the Evaluation and Portfolios in the science curriculum.

photo Mário Melo
Mário Melo, PhD

is a Physics teacher in a private secondary school in Lisbon, Portugal. He finished his PhD thesis in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on Education in the Institute of Education of the Lisbon University. His research interests are in Instructional Design Models, Cognitive Load Theory, multimedia principals and the design of digital educational resources for complex learning in Physics Education.

photo Pedro Brás
Pedro Brás, PhD

is an Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) teacher at “ISEC Lisboa”, Lisbon’s biggest private Higher Education Institution (3rd overall in Portugal). The main focus of his research is Teachers Professional Development regarding the production and use of Digital Educational Resources (projects to conclude his PhD thesis in the 1st semester 2018: “Strategies for teachers’ professional development: Fostering ICT proficient use”).

photo Thiago Bessa Pontes
Thiago Bessa Pontes, PhD

is an IT teacher at University Federal of Cariri, Ceara, Brazil. He is a PhD student in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Education in the Institute of Education, Lisbon University. His research is about learning computer programming with Python language using the model Four Components to Instructional Design, with students users computer-aided design tools.

photo Vitor Manuel Nabais Tomé
Vitor Manuel Nabais Tomé, PhD

PhD in Education and post-doc in communication studies.He Is a professional journalist, a teacher trainer (initial and in-service teacher training), a lecturer, and a researcher on media information literacy and journalism. Currently he is a Council of Europe expert (Digital Citizenship Education), and is developing a research project in Portugal on digital citizenship education involving children (aged three to nine), their teachers, parents, and the community.

photo Deborah Macedo dos Santos
Deborah Macedo dos Santos, PhD Student
PhD Student

is graduated in architecture and urbanism in 2009. She holds a MBA in Sustainable Development and a Master of Regional Sustainable Development. She is the graphics computation professor of UFCA (Federal University of Cariri) since 2014. Currently, she is doing her phD in Design and Computation at Faculty of Architecture - Lisbon University, under a Brazilian research scholarship founded by CNPQ. Contact: deborah.santos@ufca.edu.br

photo Maria João Cruz
Maria João Cruz, PhD Student
PhD Student

has a degree in Theology and a master in Religious Sciences. She is a teacher of Moral and Catholic Religious Education in a public school in Lisbon, Portugal. She is a doctoral student in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the Institute of Education, Lisbon University. Her research focuses on the contribution of digital technologies to the involvement of parents of African minorities in school, by learning the language of schooling.

Former Students

Name Degree year Contact
Ana Isabel de Almeida Morais Costa 2010
Ana Isabel de Almeida Morais da Costa 2010 contact
Ana Paula Santos 2003
Ana Rita da Silva Oliveira Piano 2008 contact
Aníbal Neves Oliveira 2008
António Carlos Monteiro Ferreira 2010
António Fernandes Gonçalves 2015 contact
António Luís Gil Luzio 2006
Ângela Maria L. Carrilho Trindade 2006 contact
César Miguel Jorge Moreira 2015
Cristina Maria Mesquita Gomes Pires 2005 contact
Eunice de Jesus Monteiro Freire 2010 contact
Fátima Vicente Silva 2003 contact
Fernanda Maria Conceição Cravo 2014 contact
Helena Isabel Caseiro B. D. P. Ferreira 2010 contact
Henrique Daniel Enxuto Caetano 2009
Júlio César Teixeira de Freitas 2019
João José Saraiva Lopes da Silva 2019
José António Marujo Pina 2006 contact
Maria do Menino Jesus P. R. Nascimento 2006
Maria Guiomar Martins 2003
Maria Helena da Silva Marques Feijão 2013 contact
Maria Helena Silva Marques Feijão 2013
Maria Isabel da Silva Gomes Rebelo 2018 contact
Maria José de Góis Paixão 2006
Maria José Vale 2004
Maria Teresa Pinheiro M. Marques 2009 contact
Maria Teresa Pinheiro Martinho Marques 2009 contact
Marta Sofia Fernandes José Gonçalves 2008
Olga Margarida Ferreira Reis 2010 contact
Pedro de Jesus Borges Rodrigues 2013 contact
Ricardo Jorge Pinto Inácio 2006 contact
Rosa Celeste de A. Micaelo Fernandes 2006 contact
Rosa Celeste de Almeida Micaelo Fernandes 2006
Rui Paulo Ramalho Inês 2009
Sheron Babu Chagan 2009 contact
Tânia Filipa Antunes Gonçalves 2006 contact

Who inspires us

Some researchers groups and thinkers inspire us. We hope someday we can inspire someone to be better.

See who they are:

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+351 217 943 816

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Office Location

Alameda da Universidade, Lisbon

Working Hours

Monday-Friday 9.00-21.00

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